Phobias are types of fear towards a particular object, thing, activity, or situation, which is irrational and uncontrollable. It is a sudden onset of fear and anxiety disorder. Some phobias are so frightening that people may get panic attacks also. Broadly, there are three major types of phobias–
- Simple phobia- Fear of animals like cockroaches and spiders, specific people or professionals like clowns and doctors, environments or situations like flying in a plane, etc. It is the most common category of phobias.
- Social phobia- It is a fear of being in a social situation like- being judged, stage performances etc.
- Agoraphobia- It is a fear of being in public places. These people feel restless in public places and want to exit them as soon as possible.
Let’s know about some very common types of phobias-
- Arachnophobia- It is fear of spiders
- Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches
Nyctophobia- Fear of darkness

- Ophidiophobia-Fear of snakes
Trypanophobia- Fear of injections
- Claustrophobia- Fear of enclosed places
- Acrophobia- Fear of height
- Aviophobia- Fear of flying
- Cynophobia- Fear of dogs

fear of dogs
- Hemophobia- Fear of blood or injury

fear of blood
- Glossophobia- Fear of performance or speaking in front of an audience. Commonly known as stage fear.

fear of speaking in front of a mass
- Dentophobia- Fear of dentists or dental procedures.

fear of dentist
- Some serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia
- Some ongoing medical treatments
- Some kind of trauma
- Genetic factors
- Environmental factors
- Anxiety and its related symptoms
- Excessive feelings of fear
- Out-of-proportion or irrational feelings and behavior
- Avoiding certain objects, situations, or activities
There is no specific therapy to prevent phobia. But, treatment includes-
- Some behavior and cognitive therapy sessions may help reduce the fear.
- Medications for some specific types of phobias like propranolol.
- Anti-depressant drugs by your doctor.
- Psychotherapy
- Attending playing concerts or lectures.
You should consult a doctor in extreme cases.