Sciatica is a kind of nerve pain that arises from compression of the nerve, mostly in the buttocks’ area which travels from our back to the leg through the hips. Sciatica is the thickest and longest nerve in the body. It is mostly affects one leg but, it may happen to both legs also.

slip disc
It is mostly seen in slip disc cases. A slip disc occurs when the outer rings of the vertebrae become torn out and the inner portion bulges out. Generally, this is seen in elderly people.
- Shooting or sharp pain
- Jolts of pain
- Burning or electric shock sensation.
- You feel like someone is stabbing you in that particular area.
- Numbness or weakness in the lower back
- No control over bowel and bladder
- Loss of movement
- Pain in the buttock area which transfers from lower back to down your legs.
- Injury or trauma
- Any repetitive activity like weight lifting etc.
- Obesity
- Incorrect posture
- Diabetic patients
- Osteoarthritis patients
- Smoking
- Sedimentary lifestyle
- Jobs that require sitting for longer duration
- Spinal X-ray
- Myelogram
- Quit smoking
- Regular exercise
- Weight management
- Maintaining a good posture
- Avoid falling, accidents or any other trauma and injury.
- Conservative treatment – 80 to 90% of people gets cured on their own.
- Pain killers
- Surgery
- Spine Intervention
- Rest
- Epidural injections by pain specialists.
- Physiotherapy
- Performing gentle stretches
- Applying hot bags or ice packs.
Video attached by Dr. Rajendra Sahoo