Filariasis is a disease spread by infected mosquitoes, otherwise known as elephantiasis where mostly your leg gets swollen up. It can also affect men genitalia like scrotum. It is spread by Adedes mosquito in India. It is mostly found in tropical areas. It generally impairs the lymphatic system of our body and leads to abnormal enlargement of body parts causing pain. Most infectious filarial species, which causes lymphatic filariasis in humans, is Wuchereria bancrofti. It mostly affects lymphatic system and kidneys of the body.



Wuchereria bankrofti
- Itchy skin
- Abdominal pain
- Muscle pain
- Swelling under the skin
- Chest pain
- Enlarged liver and spleen
- Lymphedema- Swelling of scrotum
How can you prevent it?
- Always sleep in mosquito net to avoid mosquito bite.
- If feasible, sleep in ac rooms to avoid mosquitoes.
- Clean the weeds and bushes near your house, which are home to mosquitoes.
- You may use mosquito repellent.
To diagnose filariasis, the blood sample is drawn in the night and microscopic examination is done. FTS strips are also used for rapid diagnostic tests for detection.
- Anti parasitic medicines such as Ivermectin
- There is no vaccine till now
- Treatment can reduce symptoms
Watch the video by Dr. Omkar Dash