Lifestyle March 9, 2023 Tips to get a sound sleep Does restful sleep sometimes feel out of reach? Here are some proven tips to help you get… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Endocrinology (Diabetes & Thyroid)Expert Advices March 3, 2023 Busting myths about Diabetes Reversal What is Diabetes Reversal ? Can everyone reverse their diabetes ? “Diabetes reversal”: this word… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Lifestyle March 2, 2023 Detoxification | 3 ways to detoxify your body Detoxification — or detox — is a popular buzzword. It typically implies following a specific… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Food & Nutrition February 27, 2023 What does your favorite tea have for your health? People all over the world have been drinking tea for thousands of centuries, and for… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Lifestyle February 22, 2023 Marigold- A flower with many health benefits The marigold - a pretty, all-purpose plant with a wide range of medicinal effects. All… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Expert AdvicesChildren February 21, 2023 Exam time diet and lifestyle tips for students Students need to follow these basic simple tips during and prior to exams... 1. As… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Health Conditions February 14, 2023 Do you have Iron deficiency Anemia? Know the symptoms Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia — a condition in which blood… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0
Health ConditionsChildrenMental Health January 23, 2023 Do you know the difference between autism, ADHD and Cerebral Palsy Autism Spectrum disorder(ASD) It is often referred only as autism, is a neurological and developmental… Swasthya Sambad 0 Love0